NTN:7443848-2 / Reg:0103658 / STRN:3277876147002

IGI General Insurance Ltd is a flagship enterprise of the Packages Group. Headquartered in Karachi, we have offices in 9 cities nationwide to provide prompt services to the customers. We have been awarded “AA” IFS rating by PACRA for 9 consecutive years authenticating our financial strength and stability.

We offer a wide range of general insurance products including Fire, Motor, Marine, Travel, Health, Personal Accident, Home and Miscellaneous Insurance and have excellent reinsurance arrangements with “A” rated foreign reinsurers.

IGI feels pride in having a long term business relationship with leading local and multinational companies


IGI FSI is a Packages Group company and wholly owned subsidiary of IGI General Insurance. The subsidiary is pioneering in emerging technologies driven sales, production and customer services interventions, HR and technical solutions. Click here for website


Cities We are present in all major cities across Pakistan.


Corporate and 19,000 individual customers.

Financial strength rating: ‘AA+’ by Pakistan Credit Rating Agency (PACRA) and JCR-VIS.

Date of incorporation:Status of Company:Certificate of Insurance Registration No.:
November 18, 2016Public Interest Company (PIC)A001841
Date of Registration:LOCATION:UAN:
January 16, 2018Head Office & Karachi Branch
7th Floor, The Forum,
Suite 701-713, G-20, Block 9,
Khayaban-e-Jami, Clifton,
Karachi – 75600, Pakistan.
+(92-21) 111-308-308
+(92-21) 35301729contact.center@igi.com.pkClick here for our branches